
Loren Bieg
over 30 days ago to Pasha

So, I really enjoyed the 5:00 classical - contemporary and titleless piece of yours I just reviewed and came here to check out some of your other work to find they are all titleless. So, you have me curious now! Why no titles?

I listened to the other classical piece and enjoyed it as well. My recent music is piano as well and your love for dissonance and tension is really stimulating. Thanks for challenging my harmonic sensibilities!

3 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much Loren for nice comments and your attention ... of course for constructive comments , too .
That was like computer because my computer played it , I am not a Piano performer ...and the piece is just something to show the listeners the notes , not even working on dynamix in MIDI file !

About the question here , I don't like to title my music because when you start to listen in this way you have no preconception and just go for the music and listen to it "More Musically" than related to the literature or any visual depiction by me , and you can find your complete interpretations separated from the composer's view ...

Thanx again , I will come to listen to your worx soon .
Why you name your pieces ?

Loren Bieg
over 30 days ago

So, your question about titles spun me off into a new thought process! I have come to music through pop channels, writing for and playing in bands for which songs were as much a product as they were an artistic expression in the purer sense. The title is a way to reach out and grab the listener in a way that engages them in the song in a memorable way. But, you are familiar with this way of thinking, I am sure. Solo piano is a recent direction for me, and I've never even considered not titling my work and how not doing so might affect the listener.

So to answer the question, I title my pieces because the way I compose is to start with an image or emotion and begin to play. The title is a summary of that seed of inspiration that moves the music. I have come to view music (for me) as a voice inside that speaks a language unique to me. Composition for me has become en exercise in connecting with and releasing that voice as honestly as possible. When I do so, the result is something very personal and emotional for me. The title is the starting point, and the music is what I have to say about that image or emotion. So for me, the title is integral.

I suppose I could remove it and just let the music itself speak to the listener in whatever meaning it has for them. But, I enjoy understanding what music means to a composer. The story behind it often increases my connection with the piece and the artist. So again, a personal preference.

Thanks for the question and helping me uncover my own assumptions and crystallize my own viewpoint. I'd be interested in your impression of my music. Wine Glasses would be a good starting point. It seems to resonate with others the most.

All the best!

over 30 days ago

Wine Glasses , nice , moving piece ...wise on gliding into the main motif's variation potentials .
Birthday Wish , the title describes it , light and warm a look on the shines of future ,
Tea In Star Bucks and Floating Art were also cool .
...good recordings , too .

I feel these worx are like confessions , so pure to expressing feelings . They are very close to eachother . You have a Romantic taste and it seems you are a warmhearted person . Good luck !

One another thing I liked was the idea of mistakes that you left them to be there as a part of human's life and performance . You know ? I'm acquainted with the idea , the listener feels more intimate to the performer ...of course the Juries , festivals , voting systems don't like it but it could be there as a metaphor of mistakable movement of life .
Of course as I can remember in 20th century there were composers who tried to write some pieces which were similar to mistaken performances but the idea was different from that you did .

As you want to give a kind of mixture of literature-point-of-start and a musical-description of it , I can say it's a good thing , you could mix them together well , well-suited to eachother . Yes you were right , I am completely familiar with the ideas of naming , it is about four years that I am thinking and searching about it via composers ...I also have sometimes starting points in words or images or memories but I hide them in my own privacy , not to give preconceptions , opposite of your viewpoint of "what music means to a composer" .

Another thing about your comment is that I don't want to say : "let the music itself speak to the listener in whatever meaning it has for them" as you thaught I'm saying . I'm not saying anything about speaking , I just regard the unconscious feedback of a listener to a work , however the outcome is the same , my view is that one , not the idea of speaking ...

all the best ;

Onre Nobles
over 30 days ago to Pasha

Thanks for your review and comments.

over 30 days ago to Pasha

Hey Pasha, Thanks for the insightful review of my song " PICKING CRYSTAL ". I will consider your constructive comments.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey , you're welcome