My influences are Debbie Gibson, Melanie and Miley Cyrus, oh, and the guy who wrote "knock three times on the ceiling if you want me ..." What can I say? I love the songs of the teen pop divas and my production seems to bear this out-- all, except "501", deals with teen angst-- "501" being a classic boozy torch song.

Bear with me on my mixes since I'm still learning how to use the digital production tools--- Ableton Suite 8. Any advice on how to achieve those broadcast ready masters with EQ and compression will be appreciated.


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Nick Fuse
over 30 days ago to SpecifiX

Hal, man. Beautiful job on One, son! I gently suggest you change it to Pop-Lullaby so you can give me some competition. Sending you a Friend request to see if I can help you come into the Light. St. Nick

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the positive feedback. I didn't even know I was in that genre maybe because the only pop lullaby I could think of was "Good Night" from the White Album. Since lullaby's are more melody driven I'll definitely be spending time there listening. As for the song "One" the lyric is sung just before going to bed so it's definitely lullaby. Thanks for the tip off.


DiD Records
over 30 days ago to SpecifiX

Beautiful voice and beautiful instruments. I feel both you and your music! keep it up!

DiD Records
over 30 days ago to SpecifiX

Hi SpecifiX,

Thanks a lot for your great review on our song; "This Is From Us To You"

Sometimes it amazes me to see how things can really be, look and sound similar. People from different continents might wear a stunning resemblance yet none of their parents met. I think music is no different. After all great minds think alike, not so?

This song was written specifically for the bank ad where 50 year old parents are seeing their daughter off on honeymoon. The hook is built around that.

If you can tell us what you wanna do with the lyrics of the hook, we got no problem sending them to you. We got lot's of great lyrics.

Let's start by becoming friends first. One day we might even collaborate. God bless!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

I just wanted to confirm what I heard lyrically in the chorus was what you actually sang. Surprised that it is a commercial since it is long. One other bank commerical song made it as a world wide hit. Do you know what it is?