As a musician VM has a very strong character . He worked hard to develop his individualism by staying loyal to his principles. He is attaching importance not only to make a pleasant melody , but also to speak out through the language of music. He believes that music is one of the major international languages in the world to deliver and make changes to the better. VM's talent is inborn and limitless. As a proof of that he is ruling as a composer, lyricist and performer.
As VM says " You have to live like you're the one who holds the globe."

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As a musician VM has a very strong character . He worked hard to develop his individualism by staying loyal to his principles. He is attaching importance not only to make a pleasant melody , but also to speak out through the language of music. He believes that music is one of the major international languages in the world to deliver and make changes to the better. VM's talent is inborn and limitless. As a proof of that he is ruling as a composer, lyricist and performer.
As VM says " You have to live like you're the one who holds the globe."


This Artist has 1 Playlist


Suzanne B Falk
over 30 days ago to VM

You have an A-- Kicking website!! Wow! Great Material.Check out my new song called "New York City" on my profile page. If you like to dance you'll love this one. Check out the video on youtube_URL HTTP:// oman Have a great day.

over 30 days ago to VM

music is CRACK man. I hear the emotion.

over 30 days ago to VM

Just listened to Tears. The beautiful piano playing with the funky instrumental mix is perfect! Different, but classic meets modern twist - liked it! Wishing you well, Melsi