I have been involved in music most of my life. I studied classical piano with a well
known piano teacher John Melnyk, in Winnipeg. Basically, 9 years Toronto Conservatory
During my teens I was appointed cathedral organist, and performed for 10 consecutive
years, and was involved in accompanying weddings, school orchestras, and choirs
during the Christmas season at The Bay.
My hobby has always been composing songs. Did some background music for my
husband's film production after a visit to Israel.
I hope to submit more songs, as time goes on. It's nice to be able to share with other
artists and appreciate all the talents out there.

Latest News

Received notification that "it's Time for Christmas" (Latin) has been featured
in the top 10 chart. This is my third song in the top 10, "and I'm Still Loving you"
along with "It's Time for Christmas" western genre, and vocals produced at Paramount Songs of Nashville were also selected. They are also featured on I tunes, and Amazon.com to date.
Cheers, Helen.


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This Artist has 14 Playlists


Very strong words , so real !

1 Replies
Helen Koniuck
over 30 days ago

Thank yu Andrea, written as my strong conviction in
Him. Great job singing done at Paramount songs in
Nashville. Heen.

Helen I love your song It's Time for Christmas and thank you for the five star rating of my new song entitled Catch My Glory(c) 2021

1 Replies
Helen Koniuck
over 30 days ago

Andrea, You are very welcome. I really enjoyed listening to your song beautiful melody and lyrics.
Thanks for listening to my Christmas song as well.
Helen Koniuck

Helen Koniuck
over 30 days ago to Helen Koniuck

Jim Aikens, Thank you for correcting the title. I see you have a few versions
of your songs. All very beautiful and heartfelt. Enjoyed listening, and viewing the lyrics.
Thank you for the update. Best regards, Helen Koniuck.

3 Replies
Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Appreciate the five stars for my songs, Helen. Glad you like them!

Andrea Murrell-composer
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much Helen for giving my song Catch My Glory (c) 2021 a five star rating. You are a blessing! Andrea Murrell

Helen Koniuck
over 30 days ago

great songs, joyful listening!
Tgank you for beautiful music.
Helen Koniuck