A Luv for music

A love for music blossomed for me at an early age. Though at 3 years old, I loved to sing, this craft was never nurtured. I began to get exposure in music at the age of 16 and began working with computer based systems at 17. Without any formal schooling, I have learned a great deal from trial and error, with some experience with local producers.


This Artist has 1 Playlist


T Tarpley
over 30 days ago to C-Henn

Thanks for reviewing 'Workin on It'. You know I debated on the horn line repeating as it does. I equated that to being in a place that's nice and you don't want to move...more of the same is what you want. Soo...
I enjoyed your songs. Nice energy, thick grooves. It's get up out of your seat stuff.
Best of luck to you.....

Will Whamond
over 30 days ago to C-Henn

Hey Thanks for listening to You Need Love. Although you are the only one who dislikes the instrumental arrangement, the recording, the mastering, and the production of the track... I understand fully why. I cannot understand your music but then again, thats why we are musicians. Best and many blessings!

3 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey. I apologize for any misunderstanding, but I don't dislike your song. I can appreciate all music, appreciate differences in taste of music, and and I try to give an honest opinion of my feelings to try to help. I did like the female vocals a lot. Whoever she is, she has a nice smooth voice. I can also appreciate the fact of your honesty as well and thank you for your criticism. I wish you all the luck in the world with all you endeavors.

over 30 days ago

Hey I listened to "Into The Unknown" and I liked that one. The Overdrive Lead guitar was PERFECT. I love the way it was introduced in the middle. The synth FX really made the title of the song come to life. I can listen to that one over and over!!! Great song. That song should get placements if it already hasn't.

Will Whamond
over 30 days ago

Thank you kindly. I am proud of that track. My comment was not meant as harsh, I only want to help build up our musicianship in any way possible. I never enjoy all music but try to help with any special talent I might have. Best to you also!

Steve Dafoe - Songwriter
over 30 days ago to C-Henn

Thank you for high praise of "Warm Rain" . I appreciate your muiscal savvy!


Steve Dafoe