Sometimes, it may be necessary to fall in order to continue on life's journey with a reconsidered viewpoint and more stable steps. This is the meaning behind the name "zero-project". It describes a journey, which starts from zero and points to the stars.

I started publishing my compositions at the end of 2007 through my site as well as through internet music networks. Where my bio is concerned, I believe that I don't have anything special. After all, everyone has a story to tell, interesting or not. Instead of words, I offer my reason for being: Music.

Regardless of the importance of our root and our destination, the most enjoyable part is the trip between these two points. I believe music is what makes the journey memorable.

So, fasten your seat belt and enjoy your musical flight. Thank you for visiting and keep flying.

Sounds Like: Enigma, Hans Zimmer

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Keep flying.

zero-project's bio

Regardless of the importance of our root and our destination, the most enjoyable is the trip between these two points.


Philippa Jane Winkler
over 30 days ago to zero-project

Congrats for being selected to the WOR Radio...I was too...

Philippa Jane Winkler
over 30 days ago to zero-project

I really like the chorus on Fooled by angel's kiss and the lyrics are great..thanks!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thank you Philippa!

Jordin Baas
over 30 days ago to zero-project

interesting and epic.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thank you Jordin!