I've been a working musician for many, many years. I've worked with, and learned from some of the best there is - in my opinion. I write and record any and all styles of music that exists, and have to say that I get the most enjoyment out of soundtrack work - mostly orchestral, but it doesn't matter much what style. Whatever fits.

How Bout A Little Bio

A short Biography. I don't record with a band, all instruments and vocals are recorded by me alone, though working with a band is the greatest!

I'm not going to be long winded - just to say that I've been a working musician for many, many years. I've worked with, and learned from some of the best there is - in my opinion. I write and record any and all styles of music that exists, and have to say that I get the most enjoyment out of soundtrack work - mostly orchestral, but it doesn't matter much what style. Whatever fits the bill.

I play all instruments, which makes it pretty easy to get music recorded in quite timely fashion - not having to schedule any outside players, or wait for them, or have to pay anyone - which means I don't have to ask for any more fees than is needed.

That's my quick Bio - I love it, therefore I do it! Thanks.


This Artist has 2 Playlists


Johnny Matt
over 30 days ago to Chris Landi

Hey I like your "Hard Luck Woman Song" I'm from Philly and write a lot of lyrics. I written many songs, poems, and stories. email me at johnnymattmusic@gmail.com if your interesing in collaberating.

1 Replies
Chris Landi
over 30 days ago

Hi Johnny, yes I sent you an email. Get back to me when you can. Thanks, Chris.

Bob Birthisel
over 30 days ago to Chris Landi

Thanks for the outstanding review of "I've Got My Telephone", and yes - it was written as an homage to Steely Dan (with a modern take and humor)

1 Replies
Johnny Matt
over 30 days ago

Hey, I'm a good Lycist. I write like songs , poetry, and stories. I like your Hard Luck Woman song. You got a nice mellow voice.

glen king
over 30 days ago to Chris Landi

I'd like to send you a lyric but BJ won't let me upload a lyric.

1 Replies
Chris Landi
over 30 days ago

Hi Glen, I'd love to see it yes.