I graduated from the alabama school of fine arts where my principle instrument was classical guitar. I then attended birmingham southern college where i studied composition with charles mason, after studying at BSC i was accepted to Berklee College of Music. I received a degree in jazz composition and history.I have been playing guitar and writing songs for 15 yrs. I have 4 albums I have written and recorded and a majority of my catalog can be found on itunes. I have a bachelor degree in music, and classical guitar was my principal instrument in college. I have had many songs placed in TV and in independent films. My favorite styles of music are country, rock, and blues.

Latest News

working on a new album...always writing songs


alcus hudson
over 30 days ago to alcus hudson

its been awhile since i have been on the site. i will try to be more active.

1 Replies
Wayne Ammons
over 30 days ago

Hello Alcus
Thanks for the connection. Enjoy your music. Keep it up!

alcus hudson
over 30 days ago to alcus hudson

haven't been doing much with this acct lately, hopw everyone is having luck with this.

1 Replies
Wayne Ammons
over 30 days ago

enjoy your music - are you open to collaborating on material