rock is a vibe. is a feeling, not just a guitar or a style, live or otherwise. music can be the most intricate and even descriptive of the arts, can be the easiest to understand and yet, the most complex at the same time. recycling soundz and feelings make this sonic journey more of a flight. this idea, that music is less of a sound and more of an idea can be just as easy to understand as most people, most movies, most photographs. my music is a vehicle for this idea and is a combination of rock, electric and hip hop sensibilities and, like most artists, I borrow from this discipline of listening for the creation of the new.

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If you live in KC, MO, USA, let me know. Drop me a line and show the love.

Still pumpin the jams, love ballads and free loop theory, ask me for details!

Sonic Serendipity

These works represent the efforts of a few individuals, a slew of winning goals and little luck. I like the idea that genres, like personalities and ideas, are always riding the vissitudes of popular and alternative consent, are privy to the undertow which is the oceanic reality presenting itself to the average if not above average listener. They adopt a life of their own and work their way into our living rooms, our cars, and our airport terminals. If only these movements, these waves of sound, if you will, were to converge in a mighty tidal, the title of it would be music, and it would be to us as the moisture in our bodies, would foster the well being of a thousand nations and ration our creativity into a collective understanding that to rage till dawn can keep your groove on...


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over 30 days ago to 76deep

hi, hope you make me a connection. to celebrate my first year on broadjam and the opening of my new studio(check out the pics) i am offering two songs fully Mastered for FREE in wav and mp3 format. if you are interested, just get back to me and I will give you more details. so far over 40 broadjam members have taken me up on my offer in the past couple of weeks. thanks Dave-str.prouctions