Sassy Lee is a high energy, seductive, talented performer/ songwriter who originated from California and is now home based in Idaho. Her voice is ultra dynamic and has many instrumental talents. Diversity and originallity is her finest vocal quality. Sassy's talent is based across the northwest. In production of her new release cd coming your way!..Swift N Sassy

Latest News

I now have my band together and working on a new Cd we are coming out!and up, were called "Swift N Sassy Band" watch out for us..where gonna have a blast..

Ms.Sassy Lee

Sassy lee
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Sassy Lee is a high energy, seductive, talented performer and songwriter who originated from California and is now home based in Idaho. Her voice is ultra dynamic and her instrumental talents are evident by her large diverse fan base across the northwest.

Growing up Sassy started out singing at the young age of 6. Her sister and her working their first job as shining shoes. As they were shining, Sassy was singing. She continued to shine and grow by singing and playing with various bands across the northwest.

Currently, Sassy is actively writing and recording her own music.Her latest work was completing a music CD for a company with positive action for teenagers. Her song writing abilities are diverse and original as her vocal and instrumental talents.
Once you hear her voice, experience her lyrics and witness the performance it will leave you wanting more and craving more.Her talents and performance will more than capture your attention, but seduce your senses.

Special Thanks for all those who have supported me thru my journey in the music business ..
Musically Yours Ms Sassy Lee


This Artist has 1 Album


This Artist has 2 Playlists


over 30 days ago to Sassy Lee

HEY--SASSY--just stopped by to say HELLO--been awhile--hope all is well with you--cheers--joe

Jim Rezac
over 30 days ago to Sassy Lee

Our songs made a the same Top Ten List, so I gave yours a listen. Nice tune!! :-)

over 30 days ago to Sassy Lee

one night stand--congrats on the top 10--nj