How strong do you believe in your song?
Do you sometimes think, maybe I'm wrong
But then you feel the Light
Because you know you gotta be right
So,how strong do you believe in your song?
Strong enough not to eat for a day...
Because you'd rather buy strings
'cause you got a chance to play
So how strong do you believe in your song?
Will you stay with it till the end, my friend?

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It is so strange,when the years start to change...sometimes it's glad but mostly it's sad...unending strife,losing touch with your life,yes it's so strange when the years start to change...cause when your young and blinded by fun,can't see the day when your time slips away...yes it's so strange when the years start to change


This Artist has 1 Playlist


Jim Covington
over 30 days ago to Kurt Max

Hey Kurt, It's been a while, but we just uploaded our latest song... "Are You Listening Uncle Sam?".... would you mind taking a listen and sharing your thoughts? Would appreciate your input..... thanks, Jim

over 30 days ago to Kurt Max

did i thak you for reviewing my poem /AMERICA/--if not-thank you--CHEERS--JOE

Kevin Mannis
over 30 days ago to Kurt Max

Hey! Thanks for the great review, Kurt!