From activist beginnings, singer-songwriter Kirsty McGee has solidly toured around the UK and Europe for 15 years, releasing 7 albums. Collaborators in her Hobopop Collective have included New York jazz legend Marc Ribot (Tom Waits), Nick Blacka & Rob Turner (Gogo Penguin).

With a voice that has been described as having the texture of 'smoke and velvet' her ever-evolving sound has been described as 'filmic, joyful and dirty with hints of gospel and blues'. An innate curiousity, a DIY ethic and with an abiding love of the Great American Songbook, have produced music that's hard to categorise but difficult to ignore.

In 2013 her song Sandman was featured on UK filmmaker Danny Boyle's movie Trance. Ever in search of the authentic, the real and the honest, McGee continues to plough her own furrow and to work with the kind of musical visionaries that, of themselves, give kudos to her art.

Sounds Like: Norah Jones, Tom Waits

Latest News

Kirsty is heading to Udine, Northern Italy in August to field record her 8th album, due for release in the spring of 2019. The album will be stripped down acoustic with many songs inspired by 1940s jazz and classic Americana songwriting. Locations used to record the album are set to include mountains, caves and castles.


Darling, I dunno what you're doin right now... but I dig the shit out of what you already done did. I liked every note that I heard and every lyric tied to it. There's definitely some Tom Waits banging around inside your soul... and I love the shit outta Tom Waits. I saw him in Tulsa ten years back when he was on tour for Mule Variations, and there's not enough time for me to tell just how mind blowing he was on that particular evening or what effect that's had on me. So know this, that there is a compliment that you had to earn. I don't just give those shits out.
- crawford hurst

1 Replies
Kirsty McGee
over 30 days ago

Wonder if you meant to send me the exact same message?!

Darling, I dunno what you're doin right now... but I dig the shit out of what you already done did. I liked every note that I heard and every lyric tied to it. There's definitely some Tom Waits banging around inside your soul... and I love the shit outta Tom Waits. I saw him in Tulsa ten years back when he was on tour for Mule Variations, and there's not enough time for me to tell just how mind blowing he was on that particular evening or what effect that's had on me. So know this, that there is a compliment that you had to earn. I don't just give those shits out.
- crawford hurst

1 Replies
Kirsty McGee
over 30 days ago

Well bless you and the horse you rode in on, Craw! I'm making my 8th album at the moment. Just went across to Italy to record in a 15th century church in the mountains. Yes, Mr Waits has been in my soul since the 1980s and I was also lucky enough to see him on the Glitter and Doom tour. You might have spotted his guitarist Marc Ribot playing on my album cannot believe what an incredible thing it is to sit in a studio with a whole bunch of Marc Ribot takes. The entire room were buzzing like kids at christmas. I've also got a huge love of Americans. I kind of fell in love with Texas without ever going there when I met some beautiful Texans in a hotel in Kansas City last spring but to be honest most Americans charm the hell out of me. I look forward to taking a browse through your back catalogue, sir. Many thanks for the compliment. Much appreciated. It's grey here in Manchester. It's pretty much always grey in Manchester. x

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Kirsty McGee

Well Kristy McGee, this is quite a interesting tune your "Gunsore" really grows on you!! I had to check the lyrics out, in's hard to understand your wonderful lyrics!! Love the melody against the rather tough subject matter of the tune!! Gave you 5 Stars and Likes!! You recently reviewed one of our tunes. If you get a chance, we'd love you to stop on by our Broad Jam site, sit a spell and have a listen to some of our newer compositions!! Love for you to give our song, "Here Comes The Rain Again" a listen!!
Art & Margie Corey