One of the Best Upcoming Music Producer 2017 and hip hop artist Produca X drops his latest track "Flowers While Livin".

The smooth, catchy instrumental is the perfect beat for his straight-forward lyrics expressing his take on showing and telling the ones you love you love them before their gone.

Produca X didn't start out as one of the best new upcoming music producers for 2017 by not putting in work. Since 2001 he's been in the lab perfecting his craft and working with upcoming local artists.

When he is not writing lyrics, he cooking up instrumentals of all flavors. Whether it's hip hop, trap, r&b, electronic dance music you are certain to find his music to be melodic and fresh.

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This Artist has 1 Album


This Artist has 1 Playlist


Product X,
You have listened to and reviewed some of my music in the past. I have recently added an album to BJ. When you have the time, please have a listen.
Thanks, Norb Studelska

Product X,
You have listened to and reviewed some of my music in the past. I have recently added an album to BJ. When you have the time, please have a listen.
Thanks, Norb Studelska

Produca X,
Thanks for taking the time for, and your generous review of I Just Can't Seem to Keep My Feet From Walkin' (yah, kind-of-a cumbersome title). You are right about the voice; I couldn't do the "raspy, gritty" voice, and couldn't find a voice with that quality. I intend to listen to your songs.
Thanks again,
Norb/Upper Air Disturbance

1 Replies
Produca X
over 30 days ago

Anytime. It's really a great track. I mentioned before it inspired me to write a song " Ever Since We Met". I will upload soon. Thanks

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