Square One is a jazz trained pianist turned sound engineer and now primarily specialises in electronic composition. He started playing jazz piano in Toledo at a young age and has evolved to producing in many genres for productions, advertisements and sound design. He has an ability to compose and mix effectively and efficiently for requested pieces, as well as having a decent sized library of mixes on hand. Original, progressive and easy to work with.

Sounds Like: Gorillaz, Noisa

Latest News

Ive just started a collaberation project in Edinburgh to keep everyone sane during all of this. If anyone happens to be in the Area and is interested in collaberating, please feel free to contact me!


Ladee V
over 30 days ago to Square One

Hello again. Thanks for listening to my instrumental MG2. I tried to create something similar to Martin Garrix. I appreciate the comments and will consider making some changes. Thanks so much and be safe out there! :)

Ladee V
over 30 days ago to Square One

Hello. Thanks for listening to and reviewing my instrumental Commerial Dubstep. I appreciate your comments and you rating. Thanks and be safe. :)

Bob Birthisel
over 30 days ago to Square One

Thanks for reviewing my Steely Dan tribute song. I appreciate your time and effort!

Square One Friends