Years ago, Florida went into labor and when her water broke, rhythm washed over the South. Florida screamed at the release, and showed her new native "dawtah" the range she would eventually use to belt out the lyrics of her life. The universe slapped the baby's bottom and her resulting cry wailed operatic, with undertones of jazz rallying around chords that were a different type of soul...a neo soul. Birds chimed in, silencing the chirping, since it now seemed more natural to "skat"...and on her last note, the baby girl reached out and slapped the universe back!"- "TERRI!", spoken word artist
For anyone who knows, truly knows, Antonia Jenae' this could easily be the actual legend of her birth. Her voice, her attitude, her "Southern Diva" persona is at once overwhelming and easily digestible. South Florida has given birth to many talents, but few are as proud of their southern roots as this accomplished Soul songwriter/singer/poet.


Years ago, Florida went into labor and when her water broke, rhythm washed over the South. Florida screamed at the release, and showed her new native "dawtah" the range she would eventually use to belt out the lyrics of her life. The universe slapped the baby's bottom and her resulting cry wailed operatic, with undertones of jazz rallying around chords that were a different type of soul...a neo soul. Birds chimed in, silencing the chirping, since it now seemed more natural to "skat"...and on her last note, the baby girl reached out and slapped the universe back!"- "TERRI!", spoken word artist
For anyone who knows, truly knows, Antonia Jenae' this could easily be the actual legend of her birth. Her voice, her attitude, her "Southern Diva" persona is at once overwhelming and easily digestible. South Florida has given birth to many talents, but few are as proud of their southern roots as this accomplished Soul songwriter/singer/poet.