Anannuki is Elie J. Haddad (Vocals, guitars, piano, harmonica, software instruments), Michael Karius (7 strings guitars, guitars,bass guitar, MIDI and drum programming) and Andreas Delvos (piano, software instruments).

The band is (up till now) an online band, all members being in 2 different countries, and has formed in September 2008.

Origins of the name According to Zecharia Sitchin's interpretation of Sumerian tablets and images, the Anunnaki, "Those who from Heaven to Earth came", are the inhabitants of the twelfth planet in our solar system (given the name Nibiru in the Sumerian texts) and the creators of human civilisation.

According to these theories the human race is a hybrid of human and alien species, so I guess they changed their names to pass incognito to Anannuki, and joined a rock band, using guitars and symphonies to claim back their forefathers' right to rule the world...



This Artist has 1 Playlist


over 30 days ago to Anannuki

N.P. guys. It was our pleasure. Keep up the good work. Rock on! Cheers

Jarvis Evans
over 30 days ago to Anannuki

Love your music!!!!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks! :)
& to answer your Q, I've always been fascinated with what lies beyond our borders. I do believe that the universe is just too big for us to be its only inhabitants.
As for the Anunnaki, they are cross referenced in a multitude of religions, cultures and ancient scripts.
In the Old Testament they're known as the "Sons of God" for ex. Sumerians and Mayans also talked of these celestial beings. Plus Anannuki sounds pretty damn cool for a heavy metal band :D Oh and we have many more tracks on our site, and a few more in the works.


over 30 days ago to Anannuki

Hi, glad to be connected to you, if you ever want any Professional Production or Mastering work done by a studio based in the United Kingdom, then just send us an email at We don't ask for fixed prices, we talk to see what the artiste can afford. please check out our newest songs on broadjam-these are some members who we have helped, also if you get time check out our main website

Thanx for reading and hopefully it will be cool to work with you in the future

Str productions

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

will keep that in mind! thanks for adding us.