Analogdaddy is owned and operated by Todd Johnson and has become like a recording community of original music over the past 25 years with artists from Florida & Michigan....
Many of the musicians on these songs are hard working family men
that are "music lifers" and have been working at their craft with
patient-persistance, simply seeking an opprotunity to grow as performers and as people. And with the insightful vision that
Roy Elkins(CEO Broadjam) has brought to all members and affiliates, the time has come to open the vaults and bring these
musical pieces and musicians out into the light of the www....
Our intent is to create, compose, perform and record high
quality works that are applicable to all genres and styles for
any legitimate solicitations that may become available. Thx for looking..PEACE..TJ
Latest News
It was an honor to have Roy(CEO),stop into the Analogdaddy-studio back in Michigan in May....wished we had more time to plug in and noodle around...but that is coming thru, "Distant Collab. in the near future'''''Rock ON..& Peace...thx TJ
These are some of the musicians Todd has worked with over the past 30 years...Keyboardist: ROY ELKINS(CEO-BROADJAM),: Keyboardist: GEORGE DEJONG(Herman-Hermits & Suds),Guitar/Vocalist:SCOTT DIBIOSSO,RIK SKIT,JAMES GARRISON,TOM PULKA,JR OLDS(Ripper&Riptones), Vocalist: JEFF BETZ,Rick Glaspie,Matt Shannon:(FoxwoodSystem)(Dillinger&LocalBoyz),Guitar/Vocalist: ALLEN STUMP & BRIAN REYNOLDS(GhostSociety),Guitar/Vocalist:
CHRIS WOOD,(ATOM PROTON),Guitarist/vocalist:
MIKE SMITH(Disengage),Vocalist: Jeff Moore(BlueCollar),Barry Clevenger:(In-r-faze)