Adrian Caraballo is the owner and operator of Horseface Productions (HFP). HFP composes music and lyrics for individual, group, and commercial usage. Contact us today to see how HFP can help you.

Adrian Caraballo Bio

I love music. I breathe it! I started out at a young age making up songs and pretending that I was onstage singing. I later learned to play the flute and at age 16 formally started writing songs and music while learning to play the guitar and bass. At age 18 I started playing the piano and writing songs in bands and playing in several bands since then until a few years ago when I decided to write my own stuff for me. I recently finished a three song pop demo in English but I found that it did not satisfy me. So I decided to go with my Latin roots and am working on Latin demo. I compose and perform all instrumentation (except percussion) on my own songs so drop me a line and let me know if my music speaks to you!


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