winner of songwriting competitions: PROVINCIAL GALA OF PACIFIC03.............., CHANTWEST 03.....FESTIVAL GRANBY INTERNATIONAL...03-04....LAUREATS EASTERN TOUR 04.....

Steeve plays music since his childhood..he .when to university in music for few years in quebec and left for BRITISH 18 years old..met some fellows and started a band in BC ...they where on tour for almost 5 years....before STEEVE PULL OUT SOME ORIGINALS MATERIAL...and the band bought a house in Vancouver record (at least learn to)...and try to make it in this new avenue.......STEEVE also was writing in french ( his language) try it with some(( song writing contests.))
in 2003 the bell rang loud for him....winner of 3 major song writing contest helped to slowly make his name from VANCOUVER TO MONTREAL...

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listen to my new material!!!!! french / english
6 tunes to check out here


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over 30 days ago to steeve_thomas

rock on man !!!