By staying true to the chorus Hollys Lyrics have a specific target as she picks a subject, sticks with it, hooks you in and hits the bulls eye on the nose. Winner of the VH1- Song of the Year in November 2005 for her song lyrics to Beautiful Wonder. Hollys lyrics rapidly caught the attention of many Grammy award winning judges for the Song of the Year contest and she received four awards in 2005 including Honorable Mention for Straight For Me, Suggested Artist for Wounds From The Salt, Runner Up for My Old Friend and then took the honor of being named Winner out of thousands of lyric entries worldwide. Holly has also won a Directors Award & was the Winner of the Nashville International Spring Song & Lyric Contest for 2005.
A&R Rep for Music Xray - Many opportunities for talent -

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Award Winning Lyricist and Songwriter - VH1 Song of the Year - Lyric Winner 11/2005 - San Diego Magazine - 50 people to Watch Issue 2007 - Collaborations with various songwriters/artists Submitt for opportunities at


Hello, Holly, my name is Earl Thompson, I'm a songwriter. My songs can be heard on Soundcloud. I am Earl Thompson 1 on Soundcloud. I would like to collaborate with you. Listen to my songs on Soundcloud and let me know what you think. You can get in touch with me at my email address. It's, or my phone number, which is 646-597-2853

1 Replies
Mats Dernánd
over 30 days ago

Hi Holly! Listened to Beautiful Wonder. The song was also beautiful. Good Luck!

/Mats DernĂ¡nd

Holly Steele has a beautiful voice that sounds so honest and real.

Awesome tune, love the arrangement, and of course the vocals... I have to smile when reading that you're the lyric lady, well deserved but I smile because they used to call me "Word Man"