GODI (Garden of Dark Inertia, pronounced "God-eye") was formed in 2009 by John Lister, as a vehicle for expression of the adventures of Crystal Dreams, a fictitious character who travels through time and to other places through a mirror. The story is told on the debut CD as well as in an accompanying novel, "Crystal Dreams and the Golden Mirror".

This is the first of a trilogy of Crystal Dreams stories, so there are two more CDs in the works.

The music is a mix of classical and hard rock, feeling more like you are watching a movie than listening to a CD.

John has written the material and plays all of the instruments in the 'band', including some of the vocals, while Callie provides the lead vocal and main character of Crystal Dreams to the story that is GODI.

Latest News

Autumn 2010 - began recording vocals for the GODI project.


Val Johashen
over 30 days ago to GODI

Hey GODI like your music. nice work