Ester Seifner was born and raised in a musically brass-family in Austria. ( The same country where Mozart was from :) ) She is working on composing as many pieces as Mozart and started her music career after she graduated at the University of Pop and Jazz (JAM Music Lab) in Vienna, where she was one of the first graduates in the major „Media Music".

Contact: Ester Seifner | | +1 (734) -263-1033 or +43 (0) 664 946 649 0 |


Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Ester Seifner

Hey There Ester Seifner, just heard your very Cool Tango, "Tangerino", nice tune, cool arrangement!! 5 Stars & Likes!! Did you play the accordion on your composition and is that a Real Deal accordion??
Toodles, Stay Safe....
The Corey's............