See Bio.

Latest News

Another red carpet walking opportunity: The Warmth of Your Love nominated to the Hollywood Music in Media Awards, as She's My Baby & Danger Ahead were previously.
DOWN: Reached #1 on Contemporary Country Top 10
Danger Ahead: Reached #1 on Country - Bluegrass Top 10
The Voodoo: Reached #2 on World - Caribbean Top 10

"Anything Can Happen" winner: Music Dispatch Song Contest. ($500 merchandise)
& won Broadjam Adult Contemporary Song Contest.
Christian version nominated Hollywood Music Awards.

Don Coyne bio

Don Coyne has come full circle. After he acquired his first guitar and also a book on songwriting, he wrote his first songs. Wrote, but not recorded, getting them down on lead sheets. Then he decided he needed an income!

An entrepreneur at heart, Don has at various times been a prospector, wind energy promoter, national franchise sales manager, Thoroughbred race horse breeder, and, as a Registered Investment Advisor and money manager, a four-time winner of the annual U.S. Investing Championship.

But now, while continuing to trade client accounts in the stock market, he is back to writing songs and finally getting some demos recorded. Although not a performing artist, Don writes both music and lyrics, and then arranges with others to have demos of his songs produced.

He finds an interesting parallel between writing songs and building technical trading models for the stock market. Both require an effort to be both creative and analytical, while observing necessary structure.

His pursuit is now to create songs that other artists might have an interest in performing and recording.

Songs of his have won both song and lyric contests, as well as receiving multiple nominations to competitions including the Hollywood Music in Media Awards.


Nico Rizzuto
over 30 days ago to Don Coyne, Songwriter

Hi Don, check out a possible new chorus on mybroadjam page : Rizzuto/out-of-luck-chorus/Play

sky high music labs would like to collaborate with you..

Great lyrics...& a true reflection on so many people's obsession with their cell phones!