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Here is a review of a Broadjam member for "Change the Way You're Livin"
Positive Comments

How refreshing! Cute song with catchy hysterical lyrics. I had a great laugh. We need more of this in the country genre. Good luck.

Constructive Comments

doesn't need a thing

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Dale Denker

My name is Dale Denker. The title of my debut album is "Urban Milo". "Urban Milo" is a mixture of songs, all written by me, from rock to reggae and from country to blues. Much of my life is reflected in my music. I was raised on a farm in Missouri and now live in the Kansas City area. I have worked blue collar jobs as well as white collar. I have struggled economically and have battled alcoholism. I have experienced sadness and happiness that transcends all logic. My story is told in my music in a way that I hope others can relate to, find comfort in and simply enjoy listening to.


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