The heart and soul. The rebirth of the spirit of a soul lights the way to an eternal song. A song of love, strength, weakness, faith and hope.

Awakened by my spirit and ascending from the depths of my soul are words and melodies intertwining with my being and a song is born. Songs born from the experiences of life and of death.

Music is living; Music is time; Music is space; Music is eternal. Music is sadness; Music is joy; Music is melody; Music is language. Music is the place upon which my soul soars. Deep within my spirit is a creation that can move the human spirit, heal the broken soul, and soothe the mind. Music has the power to ascend to the heavens.

Though I am earth bound with music I fly upon the wings of my spirit to a beautiful place where I can hide. There I am free to bare my soul, to create a melody, a song and there I discover.......I am music!

copyright 2003 calvin ashley


Calvin began singing, writing and composing music at the age 8 years old. He said he kept this hidden within his heart so the essence of his being could be encapsulated in thought provoking words and beautiful music to move the human spirit.

He is a prolific singer-songwriter-composer with a diversified singing and songwriting ability and has created an extensive repertoire of original compositions.

His songwriting ability encompasses jazz, classically influenced, R & B, rock and pop to name a few. With such versatility it would be impossible to put him into a particular genre of music and his style is uniquely his own. An "eclectic fusion" of many different influences.

Once you hear him sing you will feel his passion.

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