Pecatonica Mud

"Pecatonica Mud" the title track from the new Midwesterners' album released October 2021. We started recording this song five years ago in Mark Haines studio, Williamson Magnetic Recording Company, and my friends Dennis Felton and Peter Finnegan digitized the photos and actually made a prototype video at that time. But the music wasn't finished yet, and as time and computers will do, things were lost. In the interim, Mark had to close his studio. The last thing recorded in 2019 in Mark's studio were the 12 drum tracks for "Pecatonica Mud". We thought we'd finish the album at home or in another studio but then covid hit. So another year went by. We finally got set up to record from home and email tracks back and forth and finally finished the CD in October 2021. The story of the song is: I sat down one day to reminisce about growing up in Darlington. We lived near the Pecatonica River so the subject line came pretty naturally. I hadn't intended to write about Jim Kurth or his dying in Vietnam but the song just poured out. Carol and Ed Stevenson made a huge contribution in getting us the pictures, and encouraging me and listening to me perform the song for the past five years, and hearing about this upcoming video that never seemed to get finished. I thought it was all done and I previewed it for my friend Jim Wildeman. He liked it but thought it needed a new piece of music for the ending, so that was written today 2.9.22 and called "Blues For Jim". Additional photos of Vietnam were provided by Peter Finnegan. I hope you like it. RW Dedicated to James "Pete" Kurth RIP and the Kurth Family.

Director R. Wiegel
Credits photos from Carol (Kurth) Stevenson, digitized by Peter Finnegan and Dennis Felton with additional photos of Vietnam from Peter Finnegan.
