Really tight riffs - great arrangement and hook.
I'll admit that for the first few bars I thought, oh no, not really my scene. But I found it a pretty enjoyable romp once it got going. The angst-ridden lyrics are fairly typical of whatever metal sub-category the band slots itself into, but the music has a tight, compelling punk-pop element to it which almost puts it in Buzzcocks territory, despite the growled vocals. Seen in this light the lyrics suddenly have more charm! Musically, what you get is heavily distorted guitars and constant, effective riffing which develops nicely throughout the compact song. I like the fact that the (excellent) drums are at just the right level - not too loud - and the guitars have a nice fat, warm sound. Fourth time through now and it's really quite memorable and even faultless in its own way. I like the clever vocal effect/layering at 3:00. The vocal harmonies are nice too! And there's a subtle, momentary brilliance to the tight ending - something clever going on that I didn't quite identify.