Nicely done. Really like the orchestration on this and the slow build up. This has a classic rock style and reminds me of bands in the 70's. Intense and driving guitars send this soaring. Composition was interesting and held my attention. Great job.
Killer intro that really leaves you anticipating what's about to happen. Guitars and drums are both killers. Cool transitions.
something different here. yikes! reminds of me McLauclauflin
I really like the way this song starts out, very cool lead guitar as well - I love the way the drums sound very cool indeed. This almost sounds like George Selsky but anyway it's some really great stuff.
The guitar work on this is very sweet. The arrangement is also really good. The recording works very nicely. I like this song.It has a powerful feel to it. Neat stuff, keep it up!!!
Nice rocking instrumental. Really love the guitar work. Honestly I think it would be a great track to license to a video game. I can totally hear this as part of a soundtrack for a game or even a movie. Solid tune.