I'm a songwriter born and raised on O'ahu, Hawaii. My goal has always been trying to help other people through music, the universal language. Music is the most powerful form of communication we have. It surrounds us constantly--all we need to do is listen by opening our hearts and minds. With Songs For a Better World, I'm hoping to make the world a better place, one song at a time.

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"Singing to the World," a music video featuring the Lana'i 4th grade class of 2020, shown at two Dalai Lama public speaking events--April 14th and 15th, 2012. Also available for purchase in Store and on iTunes.

"Every Day is Earth Day," also featuring the class of 2020, will be performed live at Sea Life Park's (O'ahu, Hawai'i) Earth day event on April 22nd. Also available for purchase in Store and on iTunes.

Matt Glickstein biography

I'm a songwriter born and raised on O'ahu, Hawaii. My goal has always been trying to help other people through music, the universal language. Music is the most powerful form of communication we have. It surrounds us constantly--all we need to do is listen by opening our hearts and minds. With "Songs For a Better World," I'm hoping to make the world a better place, one song at a time.

"Songs For a Better World" was inspired by the tragic events that took place in Japan in March of 2011. I was moved to create a music video tribute to help the people of Japan, and composed "Steppingstone: A Benefit Ballad for Japan."

For my next project I co-wrote "Start Living" with Lanai High and Elementary school senior JR Etrata. The song was played as JR was able to step out of his wheel chair and walk at his high school graduation, making for a very emotional moment.

I currently live on the island of Lana'i, Hawai'i and work as an Educational Assistant at the Lana'i High and Elementary School. Over the past several years, I've has written songs about fractions, multiplication, the water cycle, and the school motto--being "TORCH"--Tenacious, Observant, Honorable, Respectful, and Compassionate.

Recently, my students wrote poems about peace. I was so uplifted by the students' descriptions, I composed music using a combination of phrases from many of their poems. "Singing to the World," as the class of 2020 (currently 4th grade) titled the song, was produced into a music video by Xterra TV, and features the students on vocals and ukulele. The video will be shown during the Dalai Lama's visit to Hawai'i at two public speaking events--"Educating the Heart" and "Advancing Peace Through the Power of Aloha."

Brooke Belista, who had some of her poetry featured in "Singing to the World," brought new song lyrics into school soon after "Singing to the World" had been completed. In collaboration with myself and another student, Dian Ozoa, "Every Day is Earth Day" was created. This song was also turned into a music video, and will be featured at Sea Life Park for their Earth Day event on April 22nd. Brooke has since written several more songs with me, and the eventual goal is to produce an album made up of songs written by the Lanai High and Elementary Class of 2020.

Some of my other projects include "A Kitty Community," a music video highlighting the amazing Lana'i Animal Rescue Center, and "Did They Pause?", a tribute to bullying victim Tyler Clementi.