A singer-songwriter, arranger and producer who writes in two languages, English and Portuguese, catering his melodies to both sides of the Atlantic.

cantor-compositor, que escreve em ingles e portugues, fornecendo suas melodias a ambos lados do Atlantico.
Sua musica e gozado por ouvintes de ambos os hemisfarios orientais e ocidentais.


Tony has been writing music since he was 15.

He is a singer-songwriter, arranger and producer who writes in two languages, English and Portuguese, catering his melodies to both sides of the Atlantic.

His music has no boundries, enjoyed by listeners from both
the eastern and western hemispheres.

É cantor-compositor, que escreve em inglês e português, fornecendo suas melodias a ambos lados do Atlântico.
Sua música e gozado por ouvintes de ambos os hemisférios orientais e ocidentais.


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