The Blues and Rock Musician FRED “BOB” BOEHM LeadVocals,Guitar,Bass & Blues-Harp, Composer,born 01.01.1948,grown up in the industrial area Ruhr District,
electrician in steel works.With 14 years he played as a Singer, Rhythmguitar and Bass Player with diverse Beat und Rhythm & BluesGroups.The new Soul- , Psychodelic- and JazzRock-Styles put hin in Bands, which experimentiert with Soul, Jazz,Blues,Psychedelic .The 70s he played with Bands of Western-Berlin came back to Guitar & started to compose.
77 he left for Switzerland. He played in Funk- und BluesGroups. Hes one of the two founders of CRUDE BLUES.He has never forgotten his roots in Blues and Rock-n-Roll . Because he played during the years also Solo&FolkBluesDuos, hes all the time ready for new challenges.Examples are his diverse Concerts and Jamsessions with Musicians of the in diverse german Cities.
Arrangements & Compositions are protected by SUISA (swiss assosiat.of music.authors)


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