God bless, This is Michael Harbison, Born in Beckley W.Va. Moved to Atlanta ga. To further His Ministry and God Givin Career in the music ministry. My Passion is to Compose, Record, Play,Arrange and Sing Music that everyone can relate too,and feel the passion of God in my life, to worship God day and nite and see soul's saved is all I want to do!! " keep the faith" !!!

Glorifing God

Much love and God bless,This is Mychael.. I am a man that loves to worship!!! because God created us for worship & to always have a praise on are lips. My music is to Glorify God the Most High!!! "Born In THE Little Town of Beckley W.Va.,We did,nt have much to do but serve God,Having traveled with T.D.Jakes which is Well Known Nationally and Internationally now,I learned a lot from him,His Life Style and Preaching........God bless & keep the faith" mychael


This Artist has 1 Album


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