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I don’t know about you, but I'm bored easily with vanilla. Sure it's a great flavor, but really, every once in a while you want something different and it seems as if Poughkeepsie, NY has a different flavor on tap and it’s Kelly Greene. Greene’s vocals are anything but vanilla; a sweet, yet haunting vox reminiscent of Kate Bush, with a range to match the likes of Anne Wilson and Pat Benetar. That voice is the heart of her debut release You Leave Me Here. The rock/pop singer-songwriter shy’s away from the songwriter title as she is more interested in just playing her music than what we might try label her with, but she's effective in this role as her growing fan base and licensing deals are proving. With a sound clearly influenced by classic rock figures like Bryan Adams and U2, as well as various songwriters like Jonatha Brooke, Kelly combines her influences into a smooth rock/pop sound on this first CD.

As with all songwriters, we wonder what makes them tick. Greene says her songwriting serves as an escape and a second chance in her mind.

"At the end of the day, the last thing I need to add to my crazy life is another level of complication, and like so many of us who can turn a simple misunderstanding into World War III, my mind turns on the dramatics on a daily basis; it's the very reason why I try to keep it simple when it comes to my lyrics. I use my songs to say as plainly as possible what my mouth can't put into words in the heat of the moment. Sure I explore some heavy subjects, but I'd like to think I do it with a light heart and a fair amount of dry sarcasm," she says with a smirk.

Having been invited to open for national acts within her first three shows, Kelly Greene's already proving that she can play with the big boys and we don't mind listening, not one bit. So if you're looking for an amazing and different voice with catchy, guitar-driven tracks, then Kelly Greene is the flavor for you. Visit to learn more about Kelly and to get your copy of You Leave Me Here. – J.K.

What the Press is Saying

"Kelly Greene will break it big in a way that Leah Zicari and the masses of other bland and warmed-over female singer-songwriters cannot even fathom... “You Leave Me Here” is an unqualified success." - JMcQ, NeuFutur

Kelly Greene gets online airtime

TPN Rock - Slow Down the Sun added to rotation 2005-2006

Joey Stucke's Audio Sylte adds Kelly Greene's "I Guess I Like The Abuse" to rotation in April 2007 and "Woe Is Me" in July 2007. Many thanks to Joey Stuckey for the support and air time. Check out the show on Tuesdays at 7PM at

Everyday - AWARDS

Best Female Vocals in Pop, Garageband Records, Week of August 8, 2005

These Are The Things - AWARDS

Best Female Vocals in Pop Rock, Garageband Records, week of May 9, 2005

Slow Down the Sun - AWARDS

Best Female Vocals in Pop Rock, Garageband Records, week of May 16, 2005;
Best Feel Good Track in Pop Rock, Garageband Records, Week of May 16, 2005;
Track of the Day in Pop Rock, Garageband Records, May 24, 2005;
Potential Soundtrack in Pop Rock, Garageband Records, Week of May 23, 2005;
Potential Soundtrack in Pop Rock, Garageband Records, Week of June 13, 2005


This Artist has 1 Album


This Artist has 1 Playlist

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