The Long Road - Limited Edition (SOLD OUT)

WINNER - BEST OVERALL CD Lehigh Valley Music Awards 2007!! Escaping complete classification because it mixes so much into the musical stew - there's country, pop, blues, gospel and rock to name a few. But the way the band mixes adds their personal spices to the sonic blend, making it creative and refreshing. Most bands who are eclectic in their influences usually f--k it up by sounding too "out there" and jumbled, but this effort stays consistent. Lead singer Heather Hillegass (who won the star of Bethlehem vocal competition at Musikfest) is the centerpiece for the band. Her soulful timbre mixed with her confident swagger makes lines like "I'd give up my daytime soaps for one night of romance" sound, well..a lot better than they actually are.

Other Albums By James Wood, Songwriter

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